Lives Forever !

Lives Forever !

“Dramatic to the end, he even died on Christmas day!” the passing of soul singer James Brown is indeed a landmark to countless music fans who like me perceived him as one of the very few true originators of soul music.

Gladly on more than a few occasions I witnessed the life force that was Brown in concert. Creating an impact that lives with me today those performances were never less than phenomenal. To be frank, no one else came close.

On every occasion I actually felt it was an honor to have the opportunity of witnessing such a master go about his business. Rendered speechless afterwards, it was difficult to find any original words to describe the talent of this remarkable man. Such is the case for me today!

A life passing calls for mourning but it is also important to celebrate the memory of a life deceased. Today I will raise a toast to James Brown – “the real king is dead, but his effect will last forever!

Jim Kerr

Photo by Zev