Mandela 90th. Thank You !

Mandela 90th. Thank You !

As expected it came and went in a flash, Mandela’s birthday bash that is, and we really did enjoy our small involvement. As ever with the charming glint in his eyes, the man was nevertheless looking a little tired when we came face to face, but then he had a bit of a late night previously and therefore who could him blame him a little fatigue. The highlight in fact was seeing him look so good and speaking out so strongly when it was most needed.

Despite the magnitude of this concert we found it all very relaxing in the backstage area. The park air was fresh and the contributed to the calmness and although they were all manner of artists, VIPs, politicians and celebs milling around, there was little showing off going on and if anything the whole place funnily enough had an air of an end of term school concert about it!


Not hanging around until the very end meant I never got the chance to thank people that I should and therefore I will do that now.


Firstly to Jim Beech and his organisation for inviting us to take part, Spike Edney and his musicians who backed us, and of course the really wonderful Soweto Gospel Choir for making our song sound so good. In addition we should thank all the artist who took part and made it such a memorable night.


Finally thanks to everyone who bought tickets and donated to the 46664 charities.


You are the real stars!


Jim Kerr