Simple Simon

Simple Simon

From some parts of the earth last week it was possible to witness a solar eclipse and wonderful that must have been for all who saw it.

I did not witness the eclipse that I refer to, however it is far too difficult for me to hold back from revealing to you the eclipse that I myself experienced in a sparsely populated antique theatre in Sicily. And so forgive me if I indulge.
The experience I refer to occurred due to the phenomenal talents of a diminutive singer songwriter born almost seventy years ago in New York. And while his physical stature may make even me look tall, I have little doubt of the magnitude of his creative powers, because what I witnessed in The Teatro Greco Taormina on Friday night was nothing other than magic. Pure musical magic at that!
Considerably lucky or so I believe, in that I have seen many of the all time greats go about their business on a concert stage. I really was not expecting however that Paul Simon, yes it is he that I talk about, would put everybody I have seen to this date well and truly in the shade. It is that which has me comparing it to at least an eclipse.
And he did it all without, fancy lights, fancy staging ( The Teatro is stunning left as it is as many of you already know) fancy clothes, common live bombast, visible ego, prancing and preening etc etc etc.
The man was weaving silk up there and the whole audience was tied nicely to his shore as the gentle waves of song after song warmly swept over us. I was baptised, I was reborn.  Forever a disciple of Paul Simon, named after not one but two Saints and what a coincidence that may be that his music is diffused with so much spiritual power. Bring out the incense!
The musicians on stage with him, all eight in total were born with the word genius stamped on their foreheads, and if not then they should have been. Because again there is no adjectives that I can come up with to describe what they were doing up there on that warm balmy night where the air hung heavy and pungent with jasmine so strong that I still feel drowsy.
Actually maybe that was it, maybe I was asleep and I still am. Only dreaming that what I witnessed really occurred.

But if so, wake me up quick, get me out of Gracelands and don’t make me late for my appointment at Rockfield recording studios.

Work has already begun and quite frankly after Friday night I have never felt so inspired.
Jim Kerr

Full kudos to Tom Waits who let the sold out audience at Edinburgh into a little secret that I always wondered about.
According to Tom, the moon smells of fireworks!!!
How come?
‘It must do’ allows Tom.
‘Because that is where all the fireworks go!’