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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment Grasshopper" Wise words undoubtedly that might be easy for a philosopher to say, but a spare a thought for us musicians when we walk on stage in...

Time and time again the word enthusiasm has been used to describe our approach to our music and our performances. It has been bandied about again recently as reviewers at the Proms concerts try to get to grips with exactly what it is that both lies...

The year may be drawing to a close and I might have thought that I had heard what for me would have been my favourite album of the year when back in May I heard the charming debut from MGMT. But no! As it happens I...

Maybe it was the Halloween effect. Certainly something out of the norm was happening when we stood on stage in front of 14,000 people, and after only two minutes into our opening song 'Sanctify Yourself', the entire PA system went down. Leaving us frantically belting out...

The US elections are almost on us and of course I am as keen as anyone to know who will get through the doors of the Whitehouse. Like many others I chuckled at the recent Saturday Night Live sketch that had ‘Bill Clinton’ singing ‘Don’t You...

Is it ever appropriate for us to feel good on receiving news of a death!   I cannot answer that; life is a precious thing after all.   But it is certainly more than understandable in the case of victims of oppression and particularly those poor souls who under...

Pop music as a genre features a noticeable rhythmic element, catchy melodies and hooks, a mainstream style and conventional structure.’ Least according to Wikipedia it does and considering that accurate and yet glib definition, how straightforward then it all seems should you try and create some...

Cash for Kids Gig Dec 7th ABC1 Glasgow A GREAT live band should be able to perform to their fullest in all venues no matter how small or large. Simple Minds will have that challenge and more when we finish off our UK tour at the...